Wednesday 31 August 2011

Once upon a time...

Charlie Hides (aka Kandi Kane Baxter, aka Laquisha Jonz, aka everyone really!) is a drag genius. We have loved his stage act for years, and he appears to have taken to YouTube like a duck to water, with an extensive selection of parodies of beloved divas and other celebrities du jour.

His Madonna's GaGa nightmare series was launched on on the interwebs a little while back, and I love it! I thought I'd provide a bit of a catch-up...

Visit Charlie Hides TV for more delights!

2021 UPDATE: parts 1 and 3 have gone from the interwebs, but part 4 Hallowe'en Special is out there...


  1. like very much - miss the days when he'd still appear down the Ship - don't think they can afford him - shame as the audience loved him.

  2. I believe the very last time we saw him/her on stage was at The King's Head in Stratford - and that's been closed for years, so it must have been a while ago... Jx


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