Saturday 9 July 2016


Bizarrely, this is by request...

Specifically for my dear sister, who has been dying to hear this - here's Mary Schneider Yodelling the Classics!

As she did.

We actually have her entire album in our collection.

As we do.


  1. Well. Goodness gracious. That certainly was... unprecedented, but the lady is a real master. Plus she seemed to be having a good time, which adds to its charm. The only thing that could have improved it would have been if she had yoicked up her skirts and busted out a can-can at the end.

    1. The lady was 67 when this was recorded - I doubt she could manage it... Jx

  2. The only possible disappointment is that she didn't attempt the overture from Candide - a little "Glitter and be Gay" would certainly have been in keeping with the general tone of this little treasure...

    1. She "glitters for the gays", and that's good enough pour moi... Jx


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