Friday 17 November 2017

Blonde Friday?

The weekend looms at last, after a particularly long and tiresome week...

Mother's in town tomorrow, so there'll be no rest for the wicked. That's not going to stop the party, however! - not when we have a right pair of slappers those awesomely talented party animals, former "Page 3" topless models Miss Nina Carter and (birthday girl) Miss Jilly Johnson, aka Blonde on Blonde - to start the celebrations:

Thank Disco It's Friday!

Read more about the - ahem - musical career of Blonde on Blonde, courtesy of Dangerous Minds


  1. Is that video really a French and Saunders creation? Neither are nearly as attractive as the surfer boy in the background of the top gif.

    1. I don't think French and Saunders needed to parody those two - they did so well all by themselves! Jx

      PS What's not to love about a shimmying semi-naked youth?

  2. Great! Now I can't take my eyes off him either!


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