Friday 21 September 2018

Fly me to the moon

Celebrations are underway for the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, or "Festival of the Moon" this weekend (it falls on Monday this year); a time when lanterns are paraded, quantities of cassia wine are drunk, and many mooncakes are consumed.

I don't have a lantern nor a dragon close to hand, but as it is a weekend in sight [and it is still the Year of the Bitch], we're in a party mood regardless. Here's an appropriately-themed and boppy number to mark the occasion - and Thank Disco the Moon It's Friday!

Yuàn míng yuè cháng yǔ nǐ xiāng bàn zhào liàng nǐ dě jiàn kāng xìng fú hē fān róng zhī lù
! [愿 明 月 常 与 你 相 伴, 照 亮 你 的 健 康、 幸 福 和 繁 荣 之 路], dear reader - which translates as "May the glow of the moon surround you and light your way to health, happiness and prosperity!"

Have a good one, whatever...


  1. I love 'Moon Cakes' but one once a year is enough.

    1. I had one with my lunch that Friday, and was still digesting it at teatime - they are somewhat heavy... Jx


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