But as a young gay lad growing up in closeted Welsh society, for me it was the glowing screen presence of the superbly sexy Michael York that made the film as a whole that bit more special. I was truly, madly, deeply in love with him, and to this day even as a veteran of more than 130 screen appearances he still makes me quite weak at the knees...

And it was not just Michael's appearance in Cabaret that made me realise my true destiny was to be with him, but also a little-known film of his that I vividly remember seeing on TV in the 80s called Something for Everyone, in which he starred alongside the marvellous Angela Lansbury.
The plot of the film - one of only two directed by theatre impresario Hal (Harold) Prince - is an extremely camp and very twisted melodrama about a Machiavellian pretty-boy (played by Michael) who literally "turns the screws" on an aristocratic German household. A stunning movie that (scandalously) has never been released on DVD, I would dearly love to see it again after all these years, and just drool...
Something for Everyone on IMDB
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