As ever, our gang took to dressing-up for the occasion like ducks to water, and didn't we all look fabulous, sweetie? We had decided our "look" for this year months before the official theme of "fairy tales, myths and legends" was announced - and went for a Gothic/Bal Masque/Decadent Dandies theme, which fitted with this quite well...

And the girls had great fun by taking their dressing-up into Sweeney Todd territory and decided that "Victorian whore" was the fashion du jour. Our cousin Lauren even travelled from Canada for the occasion complete with her "Whore" costume packed in her case!
Dozens of gaudy floats, thousands of beautiful boys, semi-naked men and the usual clutch of bemused onlookers, and Boris - the official turnout is estimated at 500,000!

Brilliant fun as always... We just love an excuse to dress up!
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