As much as I dislike their smarmy cynical brand of music, full kudos goes today to Boyzone who have become the first boy band to feature a gay couple in their video.
The very lovely pocket-sized Stephen Gately, who appears in the video for Better in a love scene with a man, says "I just think it's just a beautiful video and I think it works superbly for the song. I'm hoping this video will have a good, positive, all-round reaction."
Not ground-breaking or particularly shocking (although I hate to think what Mein Kampf - sorry - The Daily Mail will make of it), as artists as diverse as Pet Shop Boys and Christina Aguilera have been there before, boy bands appear to be considered differently it seems by music PR men.
So as a statement against intolerance to that strange adulatory girly audience, it is officially a good thing. Shame is is a shit song.
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