Celebrating today the birthday of Nichelle Nichols, better known as Lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek, there are a few things that we should know about this remarkable lady:
- Not only was hers the first non-"servant" part for a black woman on mainstream American TV, but she shared the very first ever inter-racial kiss on TV when she and Captain Kirk had a little intimate moment.
- Her great-grandfather, James Gillespie, was Welsh.
- Nichelle always was, and still remains, a campaigner for civil rights - both those of black people and on behalf of gay and lesbian equality.
- She was a "glamour model" before Star Trek brought fame and fortune, but was always an accomplished singer, performing with Duke Ellington and Dizzie Gillespie.
...and here, Miss Nichols speaks out on gay rights:
We love her.
Uhura official website
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