"Look at these clothes! So this is where the 70's came to die."
Happy birthday to the lovely Christine Baranski - star of Broadway, screen and TV.
Although most queens love her for her portrayal of the uncompromising bitch Maryann in Cybill (and more recently in the film Mamma Mia, which I haven't seen and am unlikely to), Miss Baranski has many more strings to her bow - she is a classically trained singer as well as a versatile actress. She has starred in such diverse productions as Tom Stoppard's deadly serious The Real Thing, Jerry Herman's Mame and Sondheim's Follies.
One of my favourite screen appearances of hers was as the MC of the ludicrous "Hoe-down for AIDS" in the classic gay comedy Jeffrey:
Here she is singing a fab number from the ill-fated Laurents/Strouse musical based on The Thin Man films, Nick and Nora:
And despite the rumours that she and her co-star Cybill Shepherd really didn't get on at all, they certainly managed some cracking harmonies:
Christine Baranski on IMDB
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