We are well overdue for a celebration of one of my favourite divas - the wonderful Varla Jean Merman, "lovechild of Ethel Merman and Ernest Borgnine"(!)
Varla, aka Jeffery Robinson, is an award-winning international drag star, with hit shows such as Varla Jean Merman Loves A Foreign Tongue, Anatomically Incorrect, I'm Not Paying For This, Girl With A Pearl Necklace, An Act Of Love, Under A Big Top, Holiday Ham!, All Washed Up! and The Very Worst of Varla Jean Merman (the last of which hit London, and we inadvertently managed to miss it, but we have the album).
I love his/her vulgar innuendo-driven humour - a bit like a more glamorous Joan Rivers, but with the ability to sing (and move her face!). Here are just a couple of samples of the bizarre talent of this marvellous diva...
Varla's website
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