I love this "Nanny Stern" of the fashion world!
"Talent they had not, but they were fairly bursting with boyish charm. They had taken over a huge villa in Beverly Hills and proceeded to give the most gilded parties since the great days of the wild, or silent era, when a party was a party. The Rocky parties were always climaxed by a mass visit to their bedroom where the twins would display their jewelry. They had diamonds by the peck and gold ornaments by the pound, given to them (they said) by the crowned heads of Europe."
1) That all discrimination against gay people, male and female, by the law, by employers, and by society at large, should end.
2) That all people who feel attracted to a member of their own sex be taught that such feelings are perfectly normal.
3) That sex education in schools stop being exclusively heterosexual
4) That psychiatrists stop treating homosexuality as though it were a problem or sickness, thereby giving gay people senseless guilt complexes.
5) That gay people be as legally free to contact other gay people through newspaper ads, on the streets, and by any other means they may want, as are heterosexuals, and that police harassment should cease right now.
6) That employers should no longer be allowed to discriminate against anyone on account of their sexual preferences.
7) That the age of consent for gay males be reduced to the same as for straights.
8) That gay people be free to hold hands and kiss in public as are heterosexuals.