Marc over at the fabulous Deep Dish blog collects MEN. And I am very grateful to him for his exceptionally rewarding hobby!
I almost fell off my chair when I discovered that the exceedingly delicious singer and actor Daniel Boys (latterly the star of Avenue Q and duettist with John Barrowman) was one of his latest semi-naked "acquisitions", in
[2019 UPDATE - the video is gone for good, so here are a few stills:]

So... So... cute!
[more here]
We have actually had the pleasure of seeing Mr Boys in the flesh (oo-er), at a BBC Radio 2 Friday Night is Music Night back in 2008, and he is every bit as gorgeous. Clothed, unfortunately, on that occasion.
You can buy Daniel's album So Close from Dress Circle (where else?).
Daniel Boys website
I saw him in Avenue Q - clothed sadly