Friday, 4 January 2013

"It's behind you!"

Here in the UK, it is traditional for children's theatrical entertainment at this time of year to include old men dressed as women, women dressed as boys and kissing other women, grown men dressed as cows or horses, slapstick humour, and lots of double-entendre humour that only adults can appreciate. Yes, it's the pantomime season again!

The rest of the world does not understand this arcane art...

Esteemed broadcaster, TV mogul and former chairman of the BBC Michael Grade presented a fantastic documentary over Xmas that explained the history and evolution of this unique form of entertainment - catch The History of the Pantomime Dame if you can!

[2019 UPDATE - here it is in its entirety!]

You'll like it.

"Oh yes, you will!"

"Oh no, I won't!"

Oh yes, you will!"

Ad infinitum...


  1. I've always wanted to attend a pantomime.

    A couple of years ago, a snowstorm prevented me from going to London where I was hoping to see "Snow White and the Seven Poofs."

    Of course, I'd also like to see the usual pantomimes as well.

    1. "Snow White and the Seven Poofs" - which is on again until this Sunday starring our friends Mrs Moore and Tania Hyde - was a hoot when we went to see it back in 2011. Such a shame you never made London, nor a panto - maybe sometime soon..? Jx

      PS Pricilla Presley's over here in London in panto as we speak!

    2. I love this line from one of your posts..."the easily offended should “kindly fuck off” and leave the rest of us to it..."

      Panto seems to me like something only the Brits could do and do well.

      One of these days I'll see it for myself.

    3. "Oh yes, you will!"

      "Oh no, I won't!"

      Oh yes, you will!"

      Ad infinitum...


      PS I swear it was Dame Judi Dench they got to say "the easily offended..." line at the opening of the panto!


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