Ruby Johnson - big hair, even bigger voice!
Black, Jewish and immensely talented, it is a crying shame that (commercial) success eluded her, and it was only the enthusiasts for all things "R&B" [the original musical derivation, not the wibbly crap we get under that descriptor these days] who frequented UK dancehalls and nightclubs like Wigan Casino in the 1970s that kept her flame alive.
Although (frustratingly) there appears to be no "live" footage of the lady performing, here are two numbers that demonstrate just what a talent she had...
.. and, possibly an anthem for Northern Soul gayers:

In the immortal words of Paul O'Grady, after his "Northern Soul" spot on his Radio 2 show - What do we do? We keep the faith!"
Ruby Johnson (19th April 1936 – 4th July 1999)
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