We had a fantastic day yesterday - shopping in Camden Market for some (very nice) bits for the Pride outfit, then on to see Clayton Littlewood's latest run of Dirty White Boy, his play based upon his MySpace blog. We went to see it at its first showing, and loved it.
This time around, the boys have obviously worked hard to polish up the show - alongside the familiar (and brilliantly portrayed by David Benson) characters of Leslie, Charlie and Angie, Clay has added in the poignant tale of the sad demise of his wrongly accused friend Chico into the mix.
This makes for an even better performance than first time around, and the longer format gives us the opportunity to really get to know and to care about the weird and wonderful characters he met during his time at the shop on the corner of Old Compton Street!
The addition of the sexy singer Alexis Gerred (into the "Greek Chorus" role previously performed by Maggie K DeMonde), who performs (mainly topless - yum yum) some scene-setting songs from the likes of Diana Ross (Chico's desired alter ego), Pet Shop Boys and other contemporary pop numbers, is a very welcome foil for the drama. He excelled particularly on Billie Holiday's My Old Flame, a highly appropriate love song for the touching tale of Leslie and Charlie.
Excellent stuff! We rather hope this will not be the last we see of it (a transfer perhaps? Or even TV maybe?). Enjoy this brief snippet...
And to round off, here's the wonderful Peggy Lee singing that song from the show:
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