Yet more tiresome blather from the Nanny State. this time from some over-fed creature called a "respect czar"...
Apparently, we're all too rude and disrespectful, and should mind our manners.
Read the article
Why don't these twerps in Government just do something, instead of proselytising about such rubbish as "public service responsibility to try to uphold certain standards of decency"?
We live in such a hypocritical society - I can sit in a bar where in a few weeks' time I will be a criminal for lighting a fag, and through the window a group of street scum cluster in a doorway to light a crack pipe and nobody does anything!
There are too few police on the streets, yobs who beat someone senseless get away with community service orders, the government sends troops to the Middle East and ignores human rights abuses in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Russia and Poland, and all this overpaid "church-going and neighbourly" political adviser can focus on is dropping litter?
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