The lovely Barbara Windsor is 70 years old!
Who would believe that? It must be her East End upbringing (and a much younger husband!) that keeps her looking so fresh-faced and bubbly...
Fag-hag, Carry On star and former associate of notorious gangsters such as the Krays, Babs is one of those national treasures that no-one ever has a bad word to say about. She is scheduled to be amongst the stars of stage, film and TV who will appear in a tribute show in honour of the late John Inman on 30th September at the Lyric Theatre in London, and apparently plans to continue in her role as Peggy Mitchell in Eastenders for the foreseeable future.
Bizarrely, at her birthday bash in London she received an unexpected party crasher - none other than genius author Professor Stephen Hawking! I wonder what they found to talk about? The history of the universe, or just THOSE gravity-defying boobs?
Ten things you never knew about Babs Windsor
Barbara Windsor on Wikipedia
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