Knowing how much I love gossip and overheard conversations, I was overjoyed to discover this fabulous website the other day.
Tube Gossip is just a list of quotes from a master eavesdropper on the London Underground - and some of them are just classic! Some examples:
- "He woke up one morning and his toes had fallen off in the night."
- "Brian, did you put my other hair extension in your bag?"
- "Have I ever told you about the time I nearly choked on a carrot in a falafel shop in Amsterdam?"
- "I mean, she lives in Chiswick. That's worse than France!"
- "They say blind people never actually fall asleep."
- "Yeah, she looks like Kylie. If Kylie is a 6 foot bearded transvestite."
Visit Tube Gossip and join in the fun!
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