I happened to notice that it is Sean Maguire's birthday today, and did a little Google search on him. We all remember Sean's path from child star of Grange Hill to the inevitable parts in Eastenders and The Bill to (very cute!) teeny-bop recording artist, to oblivion - a familiar story for many of our home-grown "talents".

At least he didn't end up on the cover of the tabloids for "My Drug Hell", or present any daytime makeover programmes.
But the boy obviously did something right, and he resurfaced fairly recently as the star of cult spoof film Meet The Spartans and now has a decent enough career on US TV.
However, my search also turned up this amazingly cheesy video of hunky men in very few clothes horsing around on a beach to the sounds of one of Mr Maguire's unlamented 90s choons... And why not, indeed?
Sean Maguire official website
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