We just tried to watch the latest programme in the new series of BBC's Gardeners' World, and ended up having to switch off in exasperation. I have for many decades been an admirer of the calm, collected, and above all intelligent programming that this series has provided, found solace in its no-nonsense advice, and luxuriated in the sheer joy of the love of plants.
For some reason - probably not unconnected to the mass panic that ensues in broadcasters such as the BBC (who have got rid of anyone who might be experienced or indeed anyone older than Britney Spears) when anything that is beyond the grasp of an ill-educated sink estate pleb, whose entire understanding of the world extends to Jeremy Kyle and Heat magazine, is broadcast - the current producers appear to want to make the show's format into "game show" meets children's' TV banality.
I began to read the equally frustrated comments by regular viewers of the programme on the BBC Gardens blog, and felt the need to post a comment. Here it is.
Elijay wrote: "Perhaps the 'Old Fogeys' are out of their comfort zone and would like to turn back the clock to that so called 'Golden Age' when everything was perfect."
I do not consider that my desire for a programme that does not insult my intelligence makes me an "old fogey". I do not believe that change for change sake is a good mantra, and I cannot see why this ridiculous parody of a programme should continue to be broadcast under the "Gardeners' World" banner at all.
Let's customise an ice cream van and give out carrot seeds! Lets make a hanging basket against the clock! Bring in more kids! Schools! Vox-pops!
Why not call this mess "Garden Invaders"? (no - that's been done on cable), or maybe "Rhythm and Blooms"? (no that's been done also), or how about "Sod's Law"? (no - already taken).
I would go off and watch repeats of the REAL Gardeners' World on UKTV Gardens, but in the dire depths of cable-land this channel is now axed and will be merged with all those awful "makeover" programmes to form a conglomerate channel ethereally called "Home".
I despair.
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