Rue McClanahan is dead, and I am wearing a black armband...
As the man-hungry Blanche Devereaux in Golden Girls, she was an inspiration and often the character with the best lines in the show. How we loved her constant quest for the next man, and failing that, banana cream pie... The "slut style" she created pre-dated Sex In The City by fifteen years and yet, unlike that series, The Golden Girls never seems to date and is always fabulous to watch.
Here are some of Blanche's finest moments. RIP, darling...
Blanche: [after being awakened by the ringing phone] "I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!"
Dorothy: "Boy, that's pretty jumpy."
Blanche: "When Blanche Devereaux goes after a man, she doesn't stand on ceremony!"
Sophia: "Or the floor."
Blanche: "What do you think of my new dress? Is it me?"
Sophia: "It's too tight, it's too short and shows too much cleavage for a woman your age."
Dorothy: "Yes, Blanche. It's you."
Blanche: "I treat my body like a temple."
Sophia: "Yeah, open to everyone, day or night."
Blanche: [to Sophia] "My mistake. I thought since you look like Yoda you were also wise."
Blanche: [explaining why she wore red at her wedding instead of white] "Oh please, it's bad enough hearing all those snickers as you walk down the aisle, but me in white, even I couldn't keep a straight face."
Blanche: "You know what I hate doing most after a party?"
Rose: "Trying to find your underwear in the big pile?"
Rue McClanahan BBC obituary
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