John-John and I went along to see the unveiling of a plaque by Islington Council to one of its greatest sons Kenneth Williams today. His childhood home has obviously long gone, and is replaced by some anonymous sheltered housing in a tragically badly planned council estate off the Caledonian Road (all pit bulls and even fiercer women) - but they had dragged some "old ducks" from the neighbourhood out into the sunshine (none of whom had actually been neighbours of Kenny) so that was OK...
Anyhow, cynicism apart, the greatest joy was the fact that a genuine and long-term friend of Ken's, the lovely and eternally classy Sheila Hancock had been invited along to do the unveiling. I have always loved the passion and glee that Miss Hancock puts into her anecdotes (as well as her performances) - she was always my favourite "Grumpy Old Woman" - and she didn't disappoint!
Telling tales of her younger days with Ken (Sheila lived just down the road in a pub near Kings Cross), she quite rightly pointed out that many people made the mistake of thinking he was lonely and sad, when she remembered the funny, witty man who just happened to prefer his own company. It was indeed true, however, that he loathed his fame as one of the Carry On stars, preferring to be seen as an artist and classically trained actor.
"He would have been chuffed to bits to know he was being recognised by this plaque", she said, "It would have meant he had made it!"
They appeared together in the revue One Over the Eight in the early 1960s, and worked hard at their theatre careers even to the point of apparently missing the "Swinging Sixties" altogether ("only hairdressers seemed to experience it", apparently). On one occasion Ken was riding pillion on Sheila's moped going round Piccadilly Circus and he screamed at a group of "trendies" - "where's the bloody orgies?!"
Renowned for his insulting attitude towards women (he apparently even made the political harridan Barbara Castle cry), Sheila remained steadfast against his tirades, appeared aginst him on Just A Minute and obviously loved the man dearly right to the end (he apparently even proposed marriage at one stage even though she was already happily wed)...
This was a fabulous little event, and I am really pleased to have been there to see it!
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