Monday, 18 April 2011

Spinning in his grave...

Don't concern yourselves about work, dears - this has to be one of the best Tacky Music Monday pick-me-ups I have encountered in a long time!

Courtesy of the Lovely Mike at Pop Trash Addicts [yet again!], witness one of the latest hits from Belgium, as what appears to be their answer to Anthea Turner murders a beautiful aria by Mozart - in a dance remix, yet!

I need a lie down...


  1. OMG! It's rather catchy in a very naff way of course! J-Jx

  2. what am I doing wrong? I'm just getting 10 seconds of the 123 logo ...

  3. The site was probably either down when you tried it, or blocked by your virus checker... Jx

  4. nevermind dear … all these dears, I'm turning into Miss Jason dear


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