I know that Tacky Music Mondays are an institution here at Dolores Delargo Towers, and today is Tuesday, but thanks to the lovely Mike over at Pop Trash Addicts a seriously tacky kitsch-fest has come to my attention in the form of a certain Tonje Langeteig.
With a name that reads like an anagram, a look that Jordan's mother might wear and a voice that makes Kelly Osbourne sound like Kiri ti Kanawa in comparison, Norway's finest trailer-trash former reality TV star has released a record.
I Don't Wanna Be A Crappy Housewife is likely to occupy the annals of "so-bad-it's-good" pop charts alongside the likes of Daphne and Celeste, Boombalurina and the Fast Food Rockers for many years to come!
In the words of one reviewer, "is it parody or Dante's Inferno?"
You just don't get lyrics like "when I'm six feet under, when I'm dead - I don't want dirt on me, but make up instead" very often these days - enjoy!
I came agross this a few days ago - I was lost for words... But I dont wanna be crappy housewife either, so this just may become my mantra...