Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Men with odd-shaped balls

It's coming up to calendar-buying time again, and as usual our proud rugby types are keen to take their clothes off for the boys. Thank goodness.

First, the super-hunky Mr Ben Cohen ind his calendar for the "Stand Up" anti-bullying charity:

And secondly, the annual Dieux du Stade naked-stud-muffin-fest:

Do these boys ever play any sport?

Ah, who cares?


  1. The DDS photoshoots tend to be rather good - a couple of their books have been on my wishlist for a while.

    Obviously though, the lovely donkey calendar takes the cake!

    1. I though you might like to have something hung like a donkey... Jx

  2. That nekkid woman in the clip isn't fooling anybody.

    1. Not least the boys, who appear to much prefer playing with eachother. Jx


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