Saturday, 22 August 2015

Warm front up the bottom

It is a "British obsession", the weather. The clichés are all true...

However, that is somewhat understandable when one gets a "summer" like we are having. After a cold, damp spring that killed some of our lilies (they previously gave us five foot tall stems covered in trumpets) and provided excellent breeding conditions for slugs, and winds throughout May, June and July that were on occasions so chilly that we almost contemplated putting the heating on, we have had a couple of glimpses of what we've been missing (in Spain, and across the pond in the US, heatwaves of unprecedented fierceness have hit while we sat looking at mildew) - notably here and here. But each hot spell fizzled out after a day or two and skies here have more often then not been a fetching shade of "Battleship Grey"...

Today looks like it will be one of those intermittent hot ones. I'm going shopping in tropical West London, so I dare say we'll find a beer garden or two to enjoy it in. Apparently the thermometers are going to touch 30C in London, thanks to a "Spanish Plume", whatever that may be.

"Spanish" and "plume"? We know a song about that.

It's an eternal house fave here at Dolores Delargo Towers! Of course:

The weather: a very British obsession


  1. here in the upper midwest, we had a "better" winter (they all suck here)
    & a great spring & summer. obviously, everyone else has to suffer for our good fortune.

    i apologize.

    1. Apology accepted. We tend to apologise in return when we get mild, drizzly winters and the US gets twelve feet of snow, if it makes you feel any better. Jx

  2. Those are some really gay plumas.

  3. Glad you had some sun for your shopping trip.

    Que importa si el niño sale gay
    Tu has nacido gay
    Aunque cueste hay que gritarlo

  4. A fab summer song. Now if only we had a fab summer....


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