Hot on the heels of other ghastly planned re-workings of TV programmes we all loved when we were younger (such as Banana Splits), comes this news that the company behind such intellectual and insightful programming as Wife Swap want to remake Rentaghost and Worzel Gummidge!
In the words of a spokesman:
"In spite of being an American, it has always been my intent to get both iconic shows back to the UK for a revival, but at the same time confident that today's worldwide kids' audience will embrace their reintroductions as well,"GROAN!
"We feel there is real potential for these classic brands to be reworked for a modern day audience."
Why do these commissioning editors not have an original bone in their body? If the "brand" (that's wanky-bollocks-speak for "good programme") is "classic", then why not just show the originals?
Whatever next? A live action version of Mr Benn starring Josh Hartnett maybe? A CGI version of Mike Read's Runaround? Celebrity Crackerjack perhaps?
I despair.
[and yes, I am signing up for the next season of Grumpy Old Men]
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