To celebrate the 84th birthday today of the beloved comedienne and actress June Whitfield, star of hundreds of top radio and TV shows from The Glums to Hancock to The News Huddlines to Terry & June to Ab Fab, here is a little-known "gem" I have uncovered. Who'd have thought that June and Frankie would do something like this???
We have always loved June, and we recently saw her on stage at The Coliseum in the ENO production of On The Town.
We had the privilege of sitting right in front of this "national treasure" (and Prunella Scales and Timothy West) at Wilton's Music Hall when Roy Hudd was appearing on stage delivering his History Of The Music Hall, and she is every bit the dear, sweet little old lady she appears to be. Gawd bless ya, ma'am...
June Whitfield's long career is outlined on IMDB
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