What can one say about a musical in which Julie Andrews tells the chorus to "fuck off" and sings a song about gay rights while wearing a fetish rubber outfit and a harness? An epic journey where "the golden cape of Agnetha" is the ultimate goal for our hero?
Such is the magic of the marvellous Frank's Closet, which we went to see in icy Hoxton last night. It is a truly wonderful show!
A tale of a young gay man (the eponymous Frank, played by the gorgeous Gary Amers) on the eve of his wedding, dealing with the melancholy task of disposing of his priceless collection of costumes (to the V&A) that were once owned by camp icons through the generations - Marie Lloyd, Ethel Merman, Karen Carpenter, Julie Andrews, Judy Garland and Agnetha Faltskog.
As he tells the tale of each acquisition, so each of the stars appear in person (so to speak) and sing to him, with the admirable backing of The Gaiety Girls (who provide the "Greek chorus" that holds the show together).
When I say "in person" I mean "person" - for all these grandes dames are indeed played to brilliant perfection by one man, the multi-talented and awe inspiring Russell Whitehead... With songs such as The Boys of London Town (Marie Lloyd), A Mister and a Mister (Ethel Merman), Let's Do The Show Right Here (Judy Garland) and (of course) Abba Made Me Gay (Agnetha), he exquisitely captures the hilarious visual tics, vocal nuances and stage presence of each and every one!
From the opening sequence (in which Lee Greenaway as Music Hall tart "Sheila Blige" entertains the audience in the bar before we even enter the theatre), through the ups and downs of Frank's journey and pre-nuptial jitters, to the final wedding scene, we were enraptured. Frank's Closet exudes class, humour and polish, and is one of the best and most original shows I have seen in years! It closes today at the Hoxton Hall, but I am certain this is not the last we hear of it.

If this doesn't get a West End transfer there is simply no justice in the world...
An interview with Frank's Closet creator Stuart Wood
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