As the post-party season starts and the gloom that is January sets in, our gang did what we usually do at this time of year - go and see something sparkly and musical to cheer us up. And so it was that we went to the wonderful Menier Chocolate Factory to see the new Matthew White production of Sweet Charity last night, and had a blast!
This being one of my favourite musicals (well, the film adaptation anyhow) I was full of anticipation - how would they treat the big dance numbers on such a small stage? How would a former Eastender fit into the part played to Oscar-winning glory by Shirley MacLaine? Where in London could they find truly trashy dance-hall whores? (Actually that one should be fairly easy!). With the able assistance of the best musical choreographer around, Stephen Mears, the Menier managed all this very well indeed, actually...
Although slightly too chirpy in what is essentially a tragic role, Tamsin Outhwaite is a surprisingly energetic and brassy Charity Hope Valentine, the "tart with a heart", shimmying her tits off to cover the pain of her failure to find true love.
Playing all of the various "love rats" in her life - including the ham actor and lothario Vittorio Vidal and the troubled Oscar Lindquist - the lovely Mark Umbers was simply superb. And as for the girls, they were indeed convincingly hard-bitten tarts, and brilliant dancers and singers (every one)!
Several scenes stand out in this production - in particular If They Could See Me Now in Mr Vidal's apartment, where much of Charity's action takes place inside the wardrobe, and the trapped-in-an-elevator scenario (I'm The Bravest Individual) - both capturing the humour and naivete of "Sweet" Charity to perfection.
The wonderfully OTT Rhythm of Life hippy "church" number was excellent - featuring another former Eastender Paul J Medford as "Daddy". The Rich Man's Frug was superbly done. The big second half number I'm A Brass Band was actually done better than in the film (which was always a weak spot for me), bringing on the girls as backing dancers rather than a marching band.
However, it is the BIG numbers we all want to see! The classic Hey Big Spender was outstanding - the girls capture that terrifying air of desperation and boredom as they try and entice their punters with an attitude that Bob Fosse would be proud of! And my favourite of all the show's routines, There's Gotta Be Something Better Than This was just a joy...
All in all, this version of Sweet Charity is excellent. How it will translate to a bigger West End stage is another question. Miss Outhwaite is very good at what she does, but will need to do a bit more emoting to truly capture the part if the show is going to hit the heights - or else the producers need to get someone with a bit more pathos to fill the role. That said, if you need a really entertaining pick-me-up at this time of year, you really should try this one!
Here's the original film version of Rhythm Of Life, featuring Sammy Davis Jr. Enjoy!
Menier Chocolate Factory
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