After all that Eurovision frenzy on the weekend, I think we are due a little exploration of the newer music that I have enjoyed over the past week...
First up, a slice of gorgeousness in the form of Danish chanteuse Medina and her fab new single Gutter - a survival anthem in the making if ever I heard one (if anthems do indeed come in a style reminiscent of Everything But The Girl)...
Next, the magnificent Grace Jones once more provides a brilliant foil for the sultry musical stylings of Mlle Brigitte Fontaine (read my blog featuring a previous collaboration between these two musical giants) - and this time they want us to hit the Dancefloor!
Fancy a bit of Greek?

The very sexy Kostas Martakis - one of the 25 most beautiful men on the planet according to E! Entertainment TV channel - (who himself tried to represent his home country at Eurovision in 2008, coming second in the Greece selection) has teamed up with Russian singer Diana Diez on this fabby electro-pop number, provocatively titled Sex Indigo. Can't wait for the actual video!
Next, a rather haunting little number by the former jazz singer and remarkably big-lipped Lana Del Rey:
Here is a fabulous video for a fabulously catchy choon - Aussie duo Bag Raiders with their their latest single (it was actually released in Oz in October, but these things take time!):
And last but not least, the lovely Henry over at Barbarella's Galaxy has alerted me to a new choon by that rather ballsy young lady from Solihull by the name of Clare Maguire - her excellent new single The Shield and the Sword. And so I top and tail this blog with anthems...
Some great selections, as usual. My absolute fave has to be "Dancefloor" - such a fabulous track!!!