Edina: "God, I hope you're not inviting that bloody, bollocky, selfish, two-faced, chicken bastard, pig-dog-man, are you??"
Saffy: "You could just say 'Dad!' I'd still know what you meant!"
Sad farewells today to actor and producer Christopher Malcolm, best known as Saffy's gay dad in Ab Fab, who has died aged 67.
Facts about Mr Malcolm:
- He was born in Aberdeen, was raised on a farm in British Columbia, Canada, and at 19 he returned to Britain to live with his grandmother in Essex.
- In his younger days he he shared a flat with Malcolm McDowell.
- He was the original Brad Majors in the Rocky Horror Show in the West End in 1974.
- He starred in films such as The Empire Strikes Back, Labyrinth and Highlander.
- Just days before his death, his latest project Oh What a Lovely War opened in London to glowing reviews.
And here he is as Brad, with Belinda Sinclair as Janet, on the original Over At The Frankenstein Place:
RIP, Christopher Malcolm (19th August 1946 – 15th February 2014)
Sad news - I only know him from Ab Fab, but obviously everyone who has ever been involved with that is amazing (OK, except for bloody Baby Spice!). RIP.