Friday 14 February 2014

Caress her?

I may still be on "holiday" (if not - unfortunately - in Spain, but in London, where the skies are so grey I feel my tan fading as we speak...), but it is another end to another week, dears - and it's time to party!

Quite what kind of party we'd be letting ourselves into in the company of the remarkable chica talentosa Señorita Susana Estrada - superstar of post-Franco sexual liberation in Spain, nude stage performer, "glamour model", porn actress and singer, whose string of chart hits included gems with titles such as Quítate el sostén ("Take off your bra") and Voy desnuda ("I'm naked") - I don't rightly know...

Nevertheless, it is (appropriately, maybe, for Valentine's Day) in the company of the lovely lady and her soooo macho dancers that we begin the celebrations, with Acaríciame ("Caress me") - Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great weekend, peeps!


  1. Very Jolly on a damp grey day.
    Happy Valentine's dear.

  2. Oh dear! That is a rather fabulous/tacky way to launch my weekend (which I have been waiting for what seems like eternity). Happy Valentine's and have a fabulous weekend :)

  3. I hope you'll like another hit of Susana Estrada, Gózame, with the immortal verse "fóllame ya" (fuck me now):


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