Monday, 7 April 2014

A little bit more

A "coming-of-age" today.

Eighteen years ago this week, my late partner Garry and I took what was to be our last holiday together - to the garden island of Madeira, an idyllic place. It was in the market of Funchal that I purchased a single bulb of a Cymbidium orchid. It thrived, and grew, and it multiplied, but only ever produced a profusion of leaves.

Until now!

So, on its eighteenth birthday, we (finally) have the most gloriously OTT show of exotic lime and crimson flowers at Dolores Delargo Towers.

And, to lift our spirits on this Tacky Music Monday, here is a magnificent song that entered the UK chart this very week in 1996 - it's Gina G and Ooh, Aah... Just A Little Bit!

I still love that song.

Gina G on the Eurovision Song Contest website

About Cymbidium orchids


  1. Great timing - and a beautiful flower indeed. And yes, I still love Gina G and that song, which surely should have won Eurovision back then. It brought a much needed life into a competition that had become a complete snooze fest with endless ballads and the Irish holding the damn thing every year!

    1. The contest was still in thrall to the Irish even in 1996 - they won it again that year. Gina G - bafflingly, given the song's enduring success - only came eighth.

      I couldn't name, never mind sing, any of the seven songs that beat her. Could you? Jx

  2. Actually, besides the winning song I can't recall a single song from that year offhand, except for the lovely Gina! She SO should have won!

  3. Well done on finally getting the damn thing to flower! Long may it continue to do so. Hils x

    1. It is about time the bloody thing gave us some payback for all the TLC over the years :-) But seriously, having put it outside for the last two summers from May to the end of September turns out to have been exactly the right thing to do... Jx

  4. How lovely that you've had the plant for 18 years and finally it blooms

    I liked Gina G and Ooh Aah … Just A Little Bit - I came out in 1996, everything was new to me and when later in the year I met Grumpy Ooh Aah was one of the few singles he had x

  5. Glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fun read from the vaults.....and plus GINA G!!!!! I did that number in drag once.

    1. Why does that not surprise me, Maddie? Jx


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