Monday, 3 October 2016

Nobody digs him now

Monday rolls in once again, far too soon - but as long as there is Scopitone, there is salvation.

To cheer us up on this Tacky Music Monday, here's the cool-as-a-cucumber Gale Garnett, with a typically bizarre accompaniment with a bevy of showgirls and an idiot doing Jerry Lewis impressions...

Viva Scopitone!

Have a great week, folks...


  1. Jon, It was great to see the post on Desmond Carrington. So sad that he's been forced to hang up his mike. I mainly listened to his annual Christmas week show. I think I must have those recordings from at least the last five years. Will miss that quivering voice.
    I guess I'll want to listen to his last few shows now.

    Thanks from The Beauty Hunter (not our old blog, but the new one).

    Thanks, Dee.

    1. I am certain Mr Carrington would love Gale Garnett and her girls too! Yes, he will be a sad loss to the airwaves, and unfortunately there's little to replace his type of broadcasting these days... Jx

  2. Love her but just want to smack that idiot dancer chap.
    The burlesque girls were rather cool I thought, shaking those feathers

    1. We've all tried it, but for some gals it just comes naturally! Jx

  3. Well, that was a good way to start the week... I think she made small potatoes of the Jerry Lewis impersonator.

    1. Miss Garnett looks like she'd make small potatoes of any man (and those shimmying showgirls, too, I wouldn't wonder!). Jx


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