Monday 25 September 2017

The legs have it

Sharing, as she does, a birthday with such unlikely bedfellows as Heather Locklear, Dmitry Shostakovich, Ronnie Barker, Silvana Pampanini, Michael Douglas, Mark Rothko, Pedro Almodovar, Christopher Reeve, Fletcher Christian, William Faulkner, Will Smith, Catherine Zeta Jones, Jodie Kidd and Mark Hamill, the late, great Miss Juliet Prowse provides us with the perfect way to shake off those blues and get ourselves ready for another week of tedium...

Have a good one, dearies!

Juliet Anne Prowse (25th September 1936 – 14th September 1996)


  1. What an elegant and fluid start to the week. Thanks Jon!

  2. Love her to bits even if she does have teeth bigger than her mouth.

    1. Or as it is known in the trade: "Carly Simon Syndrome". Jx


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