Sad news about the death of Jon Miller, described as the "boffin presenter" of children's TV classic How! throughout the 70s and early 80s.
For those of us fortunate to have been brought up in an era when children's television never ever featured Japanese cartoons nor shouty presenters, that weekly delve into the world of facts How! was a real treat, as the team of Jon, Fred Dineage, Jack Hargreaves and Bunty Miller showed us the mysteries of how toilet rolls are made, how to get a ship in a bottle, and (according to TV Cream) "how to balance an egg on the rim of a milk bottle with only a cork, four forks, twelve feet of cotton and a tampon..."

I loved it, and I loved the homely, friendly uncle-like charm of presenters like Jon Miller. "He lived his life for explosions," recalled his fellow presenter Fred Dineage. "He was never happier than when he was creating a big bang - and those were the days before the health-and-safety police."
RIP to a great character!
Jon Miller obituary in The Independent.
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