As the furore over the BBC's announcement there is going to be no Top of the Pops on Xmas Day (shock! horror! "Pops-gate" tabloid headlines!), enter stage left the big guns...
Apparently Simon Cowell says he wants to take the venerable show - cancelled by former Children's' TV muppet Andi Peters, then the executive in charge of moving the show around until viewing figures declined to the lowest possible number - to ITV!
"I would rather it came to us than just sit in the dustbin," he said. "If the BBC wanted to do a deal, and I can get ITV to buy it and broadcast it, I'd put it on ITV."
Read the article on the BBC
Judging by that channel's historic failure to produce any music programme ever to rival it, this might just work. Just let's avoid the "Z-list" celeb presenter/phone-in challenge/interactive yoof programming that makes ITV so unbearable, eh, Simon?
Here are some classic TOTP clips for your delectation, and to show you how a real music programme should be:
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