From yesterday's blog about Matadors, we turn to the famous son of one.
Miguel Bosé is a megastar in Spain, with 21 albums, roles in more than 35 films (including Pedro Almodovar's High Heels and the award-winning French film La Reine Margot) and his own television show. His father was one of the country's top bullfighters Luis Miguel González Lucas, and his mother Lucia Bosé is a renowned Italian actress, who counted Luchino Visconti and Pablo Picasso among her friends. From that promising start it was obvious that Miguel was destined for a life in the spotlight.
Of course the fact that he was a beautiful young man must have helped. The fact that he is also as gay as a handbag full of rainbows probably helped too - I expect it made his mum proud, if not his dad!

This must be one of the campest dance routines in the world! Madam Arcati reckons he reminds him of Anita Harris. We are rehearsing this as I speak...
A shining example of 70s fashion, this would be a great candidate for a Tacky Music Monday...
And here he is with the original version of one of our favourite recent Spanish hits (covered last year by the marvellous Las Seventies), Don Diablo:
Miguel Bosé on Wikipedia
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