Sunday 25 August 2013

Hazy sophistication

Norman Hartnell, arch sophisticate

It's a strange day indeed. The garden is all bent and broken after yesterday's and this morning's storms, and all of a sudden the sun is blazing. Ah the joys of a British summer.

I, unfortunately, have developed a painful "frozen" shoulder and am currently meandering in a Nurofen Plus haze - so my plan to sort the wreckage out is somewhat unlikely to happen.

Instead, I think I'll play something soothing and carry on feeling slightly sorry for myself.

Here's a shining example of "how life should be", courtesy of Soft Tempo Lounge:

[Music: Ich Schlafe Mit Meinem Moerde by Martin Böttcher.]


  1. Replies
    1. In the words of Bette Davis: "Old age is no place for sissies!"



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