Oo-er. It's Friday 13th! Ah, who gives a hoot about all that superstition crap when it's a weekend looming anyhow?
Let's get on with our traditional way to celebrate the end of a week...
Although it is true that we really didn't discover any new music while we were in Spain, there was one venue [a Dutch bar called Chessa] that played "our kind of music" as its soundtrack - Dame Shirley, Dalida, Baccara, Raffaella Carra and all.
And it is thanks to the lovely Peter, hostess of that very hostelry, that a mystery was solved going back to our last Amsterdam trip! We had heard a certain song sung by a drag queen during that weekend - a song that I had ringing in my ears for months, yet was unable to name (we referred to it as "Zippy-Doo"); so it was impossible to locate via the interwebs. It had been driving me wild ever since until I heard it again in La Nogilera.
And, here, as we get into the party spirit for the looming weekend, it is - Marianne Rosenberg and Ich bin wie du. Enjoy!
Thank Disco It's Friday!
Have a good one folks...
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