As today is (gulp!) the 65th birthday of Wales' most toothsome balladeer Miss Mary Hopkin, as it is Sunday (traditional home of the best mellow music Radio 2 can offer), and as the Eurovision Song Contest looms ever closer (only three weekends away, just after we lurch back from our little trip to Sitges and Barcelona), let us wallow in a little sweetness to lighten our load - between bouts of gardening - with her Eurovision entry from way back in 1970...
Yes, I know her world-famous hit was Those Were The Days, but I really cannot bring myself to play that [too many terrible cover versions have assaulted our ears; it is a staple of the dreadful accordionist-buskers of the Costa del Sol].
Many happy returns, Mary Hopkin (born 3rd May 1950)
She covered Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth, too.
ReplyDeleteShe was an archetypal hippy, but likely without the drugs... Jx
DeleteYes much better than 'Those Were The Days' .
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase, "...the song that never ends.".