Monday, 5 December 2016

Seasonal Turkey

It's a frozen, grey scene out there this morning, and I really am not looking forward to venturing out into it to crawl to work.

Let's cheer ourselves up a little on this Tacky Music Monday, in the glittering be-quiffed world of the faboo Zeki Müren ("Turkey's answer to Liberace", and my first ever "exhibit" in the Dolores Delargo Towers Museum of Camp six years ago)!

It translates as "Ah, damn these (love) songs". Apparently.

Zeki Müren (6th December 1931 - 24th September 1996)

Have a good week, chaps and chapesses...


  1. Once he gets behind the chair in the military garb all I can think of is Totie Fields doing Michael Jackson.

    1. I had to look up who Totie Fields was, but I do agree... Jx

  2. Gosh Julian Clary has put on a little weight !
    That is him miming to belly dance music isn't it.

    1. "The English like eccentrics. They just don't like them living next door." - Julian Clary



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