Monday 16 October 2017

Time is Tic, Tic, Tac-ing

Oh dear, another weekend is over. Our much-lauded "heatwave" was very pleasant in parts - we were sat outside in short sleeves in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers till long after the sun went down last night - and I managed to get a load more bulb pots planted and a lot more pottering done besides. Unfortunately, the UK is expecting the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia to hit this week (fingers crossed, only in the West - we may not experience its worst here in London), so heaven only knows when the next opportunity may arise - and meanwhile, the foxes are playing merry hell, digging holes all over the place, so there are plenty of battles ahead to try and defeat the vermin before they undo our good work...

Hey ho, as we sense the encroaching darker, mistier mornings enveloping us, to cheer ourselves up on this Tacky Music Monday we're off to Brazil (I wish!) - in the bizarre company of Banda Carrapicho:

Ay Caramba! I wouldn't want to bump into him on a dark night...

Have a great week, dear reader!


  1. The garden looks very nice despite the best efforts of the foxes.

    1. Despite the foxes, the fuchsia gall mites, the snails and the lily beetles, we have done wonders again... Jx


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