Tuesday 15 November 2011

Du har gått i mitt blod

Many happy returns today to two of "our kind of ladies" - Miss Petula Clark (79) and Miss Anni-Frid ("Frida") Lyngstad (66), of Abba fame.

On searching for perhaps a duet, or even a meeting, between the two chanteuses I inevitably drew a blank. However, there is a musical connection!

Both ladies (separately) recorded a version of the Little Anthony & the Imperials standard Goin' Out of My Head, Frida's in her native Swedish. So, let us compare and contrast...

Frida on Wikipedia

Pet's website


  1. Bless you for blogging. Happy birthday Frida (and Pet).

    Here's one of my favourite Frida tracks from her 1975 album 'Frida Ensam' (Frida Alone). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPxxHysht54

  2. "A Life in the Sun" indeed... Jx


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