The other week, I embarked on the first of an (irregular) series focussing on the best(!) of the blogs out there in Blogland. Or at least, my favourites...
And so here are another handful to whet your appetites:

1) The Hair Hall of Fame does precisely what it says on the tin. Its content is witty hair-related photos and occasional anecdotes and musical interludes to help you while away your time in a non-productive manner. Most satisfying - it also happens to be the collaborative work of several of the more esoteric bloggers around, including Thombeau (who I mentioned in my last blog on the subject) and the owners of such delights as Mean Dirty Pirate, Night is Half Gone, Holly Gab - and numbers 2 and 3 on this list...

2) Miss Donna Lethal over at Lethal Dose is an amazing collector of weirdness - a proverbial "Cabinet of Curiosities" that may ay any given time include iconic starlets, vintage hoodlums, exotic fashion articles, B-movie posters and ephemera, childhood memories (of the warped kind), clowns, fashion, and/or assorted freaks. Hers is the infamous, marvellous (and spurious) Dowager Quarterly. In fact, you can never quite be certain what is coming up next in Miss Lethal's world, so you just have to keep reading...

3) Felix in Hollywood is one of the "brainy ones" - what he doesn't now about the history of Tinseltown just isn't worth knowing (so much so that in his real life he is now in business as a "Tour guide to the Stars")! From impeccably researched magazine-length biographies of people you never knew you needed to know about, to rare and sometimes candid photographs of the classic stars of the Golden Age, to invaluable snippets of gossip, plain and simple - Felix has the lot!

4) I really cannot ignore the "old faithfuls" - the individuals who I used to count as "friends" way back when MySpace was the place to mix with like-minded blog-writers. As this is an occasional feature I'd like to drop back into over the next few months, I won't mention them all - yet. However, a few I am very fond of do deserve to be flagged up. Who would have thought Iceland to be a hotbed (excuse the pun) of culture? However, the lovely Henry and his creation Barbarella's Galaxy (a collection of pop news, memory-jerking music, and general diva-worship) proves there is indeed life in the land of eternal night (as does his partner Teddi and his blog Come Into My World).

5) Last but certainly not least, another ex-MySpazzer is the amazing Marky Mark, whose Shine On And On is quite simply an encyclopaedia of everything you ever needed to know about Miss Kylie Minogue (with the occasional snippet about Madonna and others thrown in). If you really feel the need to source the latest appearance by Our Princess on Taiwanese television or such, you will be sure to find it here!
Absolute gems, every one...
2019 UPDATE: Depressingly, only The Hair Hall of Fame is still going...
2023 UPDATE: Even more depressingly, they have now all gone.
ReplyDeleteIs there an echo in the room?
Thanks so much for the shout-out sweetie. Thankfully your blog is still going strong, despite the whole MySpace fiasco. I expect to be still dopping in on a daily basis for decades to come!
ReplyDeletePS: Iceland is not the hotbed of culture at all! But I am very glad to be the exception to the rule ;)
Yay, yay and thrice yay!
ReplyDeleteHenry, sweetie - you should be Iceland's cultural attaché... Jx
Thank you Jon! Well I try...alot of collecting from others. That's what I really like about blogger...we are one big family.
ReplyDeleteForever and ever...as K would say, I will never get you out of my head! Now playing...Loleatta Holloway in your honour :) ♥ Thanks for Relighting my fire. xoxoMM
I will obviously always feel the need to know if and when my Kylie pops on TV in Taiwain! And I am so lucky lucky lucky to know where to go to find out!!!
ReplyDelete(What an awful pun BTW - *slaps himself*)