Monday, 21 May 2012

Spanish delicacies

Ah, another week begins - albeit a short one for me, as I am taking a couple of days off to prepare Dolores Delargo Towers for the hordes who will be coming for our grand Eurovision bash this weekend - and we have not one, but two magnificently talented divas to cheer us all up on this Tacky Music Monday!

Las Grecas (for it is they) are yet another recent discovery - always a delight! - from the mad, bad and dangerous to know music scene of Spain in the 1970s. Unfortunately one of the original duo died in 1995, but (much to the delight of Spanish gays) the other founding member Carmela and "new girl" Malicia recently revived the winning Las Grecas formula.

To spectacular effect, as you will no doubt agree from this lavishly expensive video for their single El Cocherito...

And this, from 2011:

And as a bonus, an equally magnificent promotional video for their 1977 hit Wars:

Possibly the most bizarre thing I've seen in a long time...

We love Las Grecas!

Have a great week.

Las Grecas official website (in Spanish of course).


  1. Eeek! Too fun -- and am def. sharing!! Thanks for this find!

    1. My Monday mission achieved - to bring a little tackiness into someone's life! Jx

  2. Why, yes, that truly IS bizarre.


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