Wednesday 4 July 2012

Every place I've ever been, every place I'm going to...

As the countdown continues to World Pride on Saturday - and the stupid stories and mud-slinging occupy gay news sites - I thought I'd take us on another trip down memory lane...

It is forty years since the first Gay Pride rally was held in the centre of London - but what were the significant Number 1 songs through the decades at this Gay Xmas time of year?

1972 - Take Me Bak 'Ome by Slade [in an exceptionally odd clip from Spanish TV - wtf are those girl dancers doing?]:

1977 - So You Win Again by Hot Chocolate [featuring the very "proud" Mr Errol Brown and his incredible performing trousers again]:

1982 - Happy Talk by Captain Sensible:

1987 - It's A Sin by Pet Shop Boys [Highly appropriate, methinks!]:

1992 - Abba-esque (EP) by Erasure [You really can't get much more camp than this!]:

1997 - Ecuador by Sash! [actually at #2, held off the top slot by that pompous twat Puff Daddy, but I'll never play I'll Be Missing You on this blog.] [I remember dancing my tits off to this one, in a dance tent in Clapham, no less...]:

2002 - A Little Less Conversation by JXL [Possibly the very first song featuring Elvis I ever liked]:

2007 - The Girls by Calvin Harris [It was actually bloody Rihanna and her Umbrella at #1, but I can't stand that.] [I am not much of a fan of Mr Harris's song tbh, so instead here's the much more "gay-friendly" cover version by Dragonette]:

And today? Bloody (and I most certainly am not playing him!). In fact, I cannot see anything in today's chart that I would even want to listen to, let alone feature here. How sad...


  1. Shopping trolleys instead of floats?

    Well, if trolleys were good enough for The Cockettes

    1. I always thought The Cockettes were way ahead of their years :-)

  2. Replies
    1. And a strangely eloquent demonstration of the decline in our charts over the years... Jx

  3. The ones I love here: Hot Chocolate, Pet Shop Boys, Erasure and Sash!. The ones I love in this weeks Top 10: not a single one!

    1. It is a very boring musical scene lately (if you count the musical scene as being "The Charts", which, of course we generally ignore nowadays in our quest for new music!). Jx

  4. The Charts aren't the place to find good new music but it is a shame when you look back at past number one's on this week …

    Bring back top of the pops and good pop music please

    I don't ask for much.

    1. Just watching the repeats of TOTP on BBC4 reminds us of when hits were actually hits (i.e. they sold millions of hard copies rather than 2000 downloads to get to Number 1). Bring back real music programmes, featuring genuine artists, rather than shit like X-Factor and the like...

      Soap box over. Happy Pride!! Jx


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