Monday, 24 February 2025

I simply couldn't be bad

Sigh. Another weekend over - and, despite the mildness of Saturday, yesterday's drizzle has turned into rain so the commute's going to be a miserable affair...

Never mind all that. I have a treat in store this Tacky Music Monday; a wannabee-diva that Madam Arcati flagged up to me a while back.

Possessor of probably the biggest hair in showbiz (it makes even Dolly Parton's look like a modest bob!), let's wallow in the - ahem - talents of a lady once dubbed the "Polish Yma Sumac" for her vocal range, Miss Violetta Villas (and her safety gays)!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Tacky. You aren’t kidding! She looked like she was performing in porn. And she had to hold her wig on at the end. How bizarre!

    1. Utterly bizarre! Even more bizarre, according to Wikipedia she apparently had a long Vegas residency in the 60s - and duetted with Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Barbra Streisand, Charles Aznavour, Sammy Davis Jr., Eartha Kitt, and Dean Martin... Imagine. Jx

  2. Boy, that was huh something. And her dancing. My lands where did she get the energy? But now, we are warm and sunny. Did we pass the weather off or something??? High 50's all week and sun. WHAT?

    1. Miss Villas was evidently a triumph of art over nature! Jx

      PS I'd cheerfully swap you more sunny weather for the grey mizzle we have here. At least it's staying fairly mild...


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