Saturday, 1 February 2025

Vamos, de novo!

By the time you see this, dear reader, we should be in the air heading for another well-earned week in the sunshine and hedonism of the Costa Del Sol!

As is traditional, here's our send-off song...

Vamos a la playa, oh oh oh oh! Indeed.

"Normal" service should resume in about a week from now!


  1. Have a wonderful time and soak up the sun - and bring it back with you!!

  2. Yeah, what Ms Scarlet said! Though if you bring sun back to England, I guess that won't do me much good, but whatever. Have fun!

  3. Stay sober, behave yourselves, don't over-eat...oh what the hell! It's a holiday!

  4. Holidays!!! How lovely,sweetpeas!! xoxo

  5. Thanks, everyone! We had a fab time, and are slowly coming down to earth... Jx

  6. Fab holiday but it's back to reality and back to the damp and cold.


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